Miller is almost 4 months old. I can’t believe how fast time is going by. He is still the easiest baby! Wilson was pretty easy too, but it sure is nice to have an easy baby when you have two other kids to care for. Wilson has become a little boy over night. I went in last night to move him from our bed and into his and I had to just lay next to him and smell him. He even smells good. What happened to the little baby that would wake up at 5:00 am every morning and then go to Walmart with me at the crack of dawn? He is gone and has been replaced by a sweet and energetic little boy. I love it! A few weeks ago Tom said, “We have two boys….”. It is crazy to think about what the future holds with two boys. Should be full of excitement! I love my family and feel so blessed by God to have three healthy kids and a loving husband. Who knew 7 years ago that this was where I would be at 39…..