Yesterday was “At Home Tuesday” and it was a total success. It is true that little successes really help to string you along in life. We never left the house, never got out of our PJs, did school three times, and played all day. At one point I was pitching a small ball to Wilson who was trying to hit it with the “horse head on a stick” toy. He was doing quiet well. He was also only wearing a pair of sunglasses and Faith’s sparkly pink flip flops. What a sight!!
I made a new reading game for Faith to practice her reading. I got the idea from the “How to Teach Your Child to Read in 10 Minutes a Day” book. She has to sound out each letter and then blend them to form the word. After each correct read card she gets to jump the other card forward and eat the treat. The cards continue to move down the row until she reaches the end. She ends up sounding out each letter and word at least six times. Here is a picture of her playing it. She can pretty much read any three letter word now. I am so proud of her.
This is her playing still, but I thought my big foot in the picture was funny!
Faith is really into puzzles right now. She usually has at least four of them out and on various surfaces around the living room. She just keeps redoing them throughout the day. Miller likes to pull up on the fireplace and play with them as well. He basically follows Faith around…
Here is another reading game that I made up. I stole the board idea from Hooked on Phonics. I simply made up 15 – 20 cards with words that she should be able to read and put them in a pile. If it is her turn, she picks up a card. If she reads it correctly then she rolls the die and moves forward. If she is incorrect she has to wait a turn. It was fun and she loved it! I am starting to feel like a real home school mom.
While Faith played her game with me, Wilson actually played independently at the table with Play Dough. We had a really great day!