Yesterday afternoon we went to the Trunk or Treat at Little Church on the Lane. The kids were read a story about how a pumpkin/jack-o-lantern can remind them of Jesus’ light within them, they did a craft, and then we all went out to the parking lot for trunk or treat fun. There were games for the kids to play and about 15 cars for them to Trunk or Treat. The cars were all decorated and everyone was dressed up. It was really fun and very cute.
Faith was a pink Batgirl, Wilson was a retro Batman, and Miller was a pumpkin. Tom had the funniest costume – he was a giant sumo wrestler. His costume had a self inflating fan so that he stayed blown up the whole time. Very comical. I was in line with Faith and Wilson and was a black Bat woman. The cousins were there as a shark and a chicken. My parents decorated their truck by bringing two of their chickens and some bails of hay – farmers.
Wilson and Faith ate so much candy yesterday. I decided that I would let them eat it until they couldn’t eat anymore. Of course, that would never come. Faith confessed this morning that while I was putting Wilson to bed last night she got out her flashlight, snuck into the kitchen, climbed onto the counter and got a lollipop out of her candy stash that was on top of the refrigerator. She said she even brushed her teeth again afterwards so that she wouldn’t get a cavity. The candy will all be gone by Friday.
I think that the pictures say it all….
Becca and Miller
Miller – my sweet, little pumpkin
Family photo..
Tom and Miller