There are two aspects to this weekend that need acknowledgment:
1. The boys went to Maryland with my parents for the weekend. Easiest weekend ever!! All weekend Tom kept saying, “This is what it would be like to have one kid. So simple and quiet.” It was weird not having three kids in the house, but so easy. Did I mention that it was easy? We also had the realization that we should cut ourselves some slack when we are tired or stressed out. Life is hard with three young kids and we need to recognize that more often. We have forgotten what life was like before kids: easy.
2. Faith had a slumber party on Friday night to celebrate her ninth birthday. We had ten girls over for crafts, a piñata, pizza and cake. Six of them slept over. It is amazing how well little girls can get along, be polite, and entertain themselves for hours. It was the exact opposite of Wilson’s Nerf Gun party a few weeks ago. Haha. I loved seeing the excitement that Faith had in planning this party and celebrating with her friends. I would have another slumber party anytime. Of course, we did it the easy way – pizza for dinner, ice cream cake, and I bought Lucky Charma for breakfast so that I didn’t have to cook. Brilliant move on my part. What kid doesn’t like Lucky Charms? Here are some pictures of Faith and her friends doing crafts, piñata, and having a dance party/contest….