Monthly Archives: December 2016


Once again, we spent Thanksgiving over at my mom’s house with all of the Wilson family and other friends.  Each year it seems that more and more people are added to the list of invitees.  We truly believe in the saying, “The more the merrier”, and it would be hard to think that we could even get anymore merrier.  :)

The day is filled with all of the usual American traditions:  turkey, excessive amounts of food, family, socializing, and football.  The kids all play on the trampoline, the bounce house and run around the yard.  It is a great time for all of the cousins to see each other.  Although Brad and Mary live in Charlotte, we don’t get to see them very often (they live a whopping 25 minutes away). Here are a few pictures of the festivities…..

This is part of the family getting ready to dig in!  We named a few of the many things that we are thankful for: family, health, new baby of the way for Brad and Mary, etc.

Julie, Grace, Maddie and Faith…

This year my Great Aunt Ann and her family joined us for thanksgiving. I haven’t seen her since my wedding and I don’t ever remember meeting her son and his family.  After lunch, some family pulled out old pictures of our relatives from long ago. Ann helped identify everyone while doug entered it all into We are all fascinated by our heritage and this really helped us to put it in order. 

David, Aunt Ann, Alan, me, Steve, doug and Lisa. 

Another successful and happy thanksgiving.  I am so blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. We all love each other and enjoy getting together. It isn’t a thing we dread, but something that we all look forward to each year. Thank you Lord for such a blessing.