In November, the entire Williams family met up in Cordele, Georgia. My grandfather, Ed Williams, grew up in Cordele and has lived there his entire life. He and his wife, Marylene, are no longer able to travel so we planned a family reunion in Cordele so that he could see everyone. We love Grandpa and Marylene and we know how much they love their family. It was such a treat to give him the gift of a reunion, and in return, it was a gift to all of us.
We rented cabins out at Lake Blackshear for the weekend so that the kids would be able to run around uncontrolled for a few days. That was a great decision!! There were 8 kids, ages 3-11, that really enjoyed each others company all weekend. Tom and I brought down three of our kids’ bikes and they rode them around non-stop for the entire weekend. It made me wish that we lived on that many acres so that the kids could just run around safely without adult supervision all of the time!
The only problem that we had all weekend occurred during the first night – my bed and two others had bed bugs!! So gross! I felt like there were little things crawling on me in the night, but I thought that it was my imagination. Wrong!! I slept with bed bugs. Thankfully, I was in a bed by myself because Tom was in the next bed with Wilson. They switched us to a better room the next day after the bugs had been discovered, but I had already been eaten alive that night. It is a week later and I feel like I have the chicken pox! I don’t think I will ever be able to sleep in a cabin every again!!
After we moved rooms, and they washed all of our clothes, we got back into the fun of the weekend. I had a great time playing frisbee golf with all of my cousins. I rarely see my cousins and some of them I hardly know. Doug and I are so much older than everyone else, but once everyone started to get married and have kids, the age gap seemed to close in quite a bit. I have never even really hung out with my cousin Luke, and I had never met his wife Carol, but after our bonding over bed bugs, we really got along great! It was such an amazing blessing to get to know them better. They are really great people!
Overall, I am so thankful for my family! I have been born into such an amazing group of loving people. We enjoy each others’ company and want to be together. That doesn’t always happen in families, but it happened in mine. I know that I am loved by my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents…and I love them in return. I know that we made Grandpa so happy by coming to see him. After the reunion, we swung by his house on the way out of town to hang out a bit. The kids ran around in his yard while the rest of us socialized and rested. It was an amazing weekend and I would love to do it again!