A Day in the Life

I was going to write about our night last night, but thought that writing about a “Day in the Life of Becca” would be more appropriate.  You can see exactly how crazy my life is.  Today was a busy one and I wanted to write about it before the exhaustion and the humor of it all wore off.

To give an accurate picture, I must start the day about an hour after I fell asleep last night…..

Miller woke up at 11:00pm whining and crying for me.  I got up, gave him the water that he was asking for, held his hand, and sang him a few songs until he was ready to go to sleep.  He did drink the entire water that I gave him so I felt that the whole episode was worth it and a valid reason for him to wake up.

At about 4:00am I woke up to find Wilson in between Tom and I, and Faith standing next to me.  She was looking to get into bed too.  I decided to give her my spot in bed while I walked across the hall and got into Wilson’s empty bed.  Honestly, a fabulous decision on my part.  It was quiet and I was alone.  I was also able to sleep in a bit more since Tom was in bed with the kids who would wake up first.

I woke up around 7:30, showered, and quickly got ready for school.  I am still teaching preschool on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.  I love it, but am ready for school to end…only because I am tired of going somewhere in the mornings.  Today I taught eleven two-year-olds for four hours.  Fun, but tiring.

After work I went to the grocery store because we didn’t have any food in the house.  I had been putting off going to the store for over a week.  Tom was very gracious not to get completely annoyed with the fact that he had no good food to eat all week.  After the store I unpacked the food, set the timer on the oven, and took a twenty minute nap. I set a timer for everything.  The oven timer get more use than the oven.  The nap was just enough to get me through the day.  I woke up to the alarm, packed Faith’s soccer stuff and headed out the door.

Then I went to pick up the cousins from school.  Will and John were done with school at 3:00pm.  I took them to my mom’s and hung out a while until it was time to take Faith to soccer practice.  While at mom’s I fed the kids some mac-and-cheese so that they wouldn’t be hungry.  I was actually making it part of their very early dinner.

Now, here comes the interesting part…..

I left mom’s with my three kids.  As I was leaving I grabbed the boys’ shoes, Faith’s backpack, an outfit for Miller (because all he had on was a diaper and no proper clothes to wear), and the bag of food to eat at the soccer field.  We left a bit early so that I could go to Trader Joe’s while I was on that side of town.  As we were pulling into the Trader Joe’s parking lot Wilson announced that he had to go to the bathroom.  As usual, I found a spot in the back of the building for me to pull over, open the door, and let him pee right out of the minivan and onto some bushes.  As he is peeing I realize that he doesn’t have a shirt on, only pajama pants.  Now, anyone that knows Wilson knows that he lives in his pajamas.  I usually let him live in them unless he is going to school or church.  Of course, in the winter he puts his clothes on OVER his pajamas.  Not a battle worth fighting, in my opinion.  Who wouldn’t want to wear pajamas all day everyday?

I found one of Faith’s soccer jerseys in the back of the car for him to wear.  Then Faith tells me that she didn’t have any shoes on!  I tell her that she will have to wear her soccer cleats only then realize that I had left the bag with all of her soccer stuff at my mom’s!!  I couldn’t believe it. I told Faith that she was going to have to wear Wilson’s shoes at soccer practice with no shin guards.  Not ideal, but I was not going to go all the way back to mom’s house when what I really needed was inside of Trader Joe’s.  Thankfully, Wilson was okay with the idea of going shoeless at the soccer field.  So, I got out of the car, got a shirt on Miller, got shoes on Wilson, and had Faith go into the store with no shoes (I made her sit inside the tiny cart).  We were a pathetic bunch.  Here is what everyone had on….

Faith – school uniform, no shoes

Miller – shirt and a diaper

Wilson – pajama bottoms, shoes and a soccer jersey

I pushed Faith and Miller around in the cart while Wilson hung on to the front.  I was zooming around Trader Joe’s like my cart was on fire!  People literally moved out of the way as I cut them off and smiled.  It is too small of a store to have three kids with me – especially ones that looked as raggedy as mine did.  The kids behaved wonderfully in the store. I was very thankful for that and praised them for it after we left.  I am probably exaggerating on the speed at which I traveled around the store, but I definitely walked fast and took charge of the route that I took.

Luckily, Doug met me half way with the bag of Faith’s soccer stuff after we left the store.  At the field, my friend laughed and said that if I combined all of the kids’ stuff we would probably have one complete outfit.  :)

Yes, this is typically how many of my days go.  Part of it is my fault.  I should teach the kids a bit more responsibility when it comes to making sure they have all of their stuff.  Faith went to church the other night with no shoes as well.  You would think that we both would have learned, but we didn’t.  I have to laugh and just roll with it many times.  Having the wrong shoes, or no shoes, isn’t the end of the world.  I am not embarrassed by my children that have on pajamas or only a diaper.  I am sure people look at me and think, “Poor thing, she has three young kids…”.  I will never see them again and therefore, I don’t worry about it.   The thing I try hardest to do is have a good attitude about it all.  i have to laugh and just go with it.  I can’t change what the current situation is, all I can do is control my attitude.  I definitely give them a  short lecture, but we move on in style.

I finally got all three kids in bed by 8:30pm after a bit of crying and whining….from all of us. :)  Tom is out of town this week and it should be an interesting one.  This was just the tip of the iceberg!

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