I haven’t written a blog post in almost two weeks. There are many reasons why, but most of it is due to lack of energy and inspiration. Things are going well in the Dressler household, but nothing earth-shattering. I decided that I would give you the highlights and lowlights of the last two weeks. Some highs went with a low and vise verse. Here they are in no particular order….
Lowlight: On August 29 Tom was told that they no longer needed him at work. It was the last Friday of the month and he was done there for good. I told him that I wasn’t going to freak right away – I would wait two weeks.
Highlight: He was offered a comparable job exactly two weeks later. Hallelujah!!
Lowlight: Wilson’s stomach hurt last Thursday so I kept him out for preschool for a few hours. He said he felt better so I sent him to school after 11 o’clock, only for him to throw up in my car at 3:00pm. I had to quickly pull off the road right outside of faiths school after I picked her up. I am sure most if her school saw wilson throwing up in the side of the road while I cleaned up the car.
Highlight: I really enjoyed spending the morning with him before he got sick. We had a lot of fun. I realized how much I missed having our time together.
Lowlight: I began teaching preschool again three mornings a week. Life got much busier.
Highlight: I get to spend eleven hours a week with my friend and co-worker, Yolanda, laughing and talking. Best job ever!!
Lowlight: Because of Toms new job, he is in Cambridge, MA for the week. This leaves me with the kids and taxi duty for the week.
Highlight: I have really enjoyed spending time with the kids. It has reminded me of the days when we spent all of our time together. However, I couldn’t have done with without my assistants: mom and dad. Tom being gone means that I also get to so some of my favorite things: projects!!! This week I am scraping the ceiling in Faiths room while I prepare to put in the new flooring this weekend. In our house, new floors = new ceiling. It is a lot of work but worth the final result.
Every day, week and month has it highs and lows. I am so thankful that I can see the lows and yet still rejoice in the highs. God is good!