My baby turned three on Saturday! His birthday is actually this Friday the 21st, but Tom is going to be out of town and I am tired of thinking of, and planning for, birthdays. I was ready for it to be Miller’s birthday and so was he. For the last two weeks he has been talking about how he is going to go to the ice cream shop and is going to have a Thomas the Train cake. I took him to Michael’s a few weeks ago and let him pick out his own cake pan. In hindsight, I should have suggested a football cake, but instead let him pick out something difficult like a Thomas cake. I am no Martha Stewart, but I tried anyway. Of course, I used my favorite cake mix and icing from the health food store. This cake is always delicious and the icing is awesome!
Faith and I had some Mommy-daughter time on Saturday icing the cake together. She was a good little helper. We had fun laughing about how silly our Thomas looked and trying to make him look as close to the real thing as possible. I had a Thomas book to guide me. A few neighborhood kids even came in to help me put on the sprinkles. It was a group effort.
As goofy as I thought the cake looked, Miller loved it. He kept taking the stool over to the kitchen counter to look at it and admire it. I was glad that I could give him what he really wanted for his birthday – a Thomas the Train cake. He didn’t ask for any gifts or even expect any. That is just how Miller is. My mom bought him two football shirts – one of which he put on immediately and is wearing in the picture.
The party was a small one, just my parents and Grandmama Pat were invited. We ate hamburgers and hotdogs, per Miller’s requests, and had cake. A very simple and enjoyable evening. It seems the parties have gotten less extravagant with each child. Faith had a big party every year, but Miller has yet to have one. I have realized over the years that the kids don’t care about having a big party – I just thought that they were supposed to….wrong! I have remedied that with Miller. He is happy just being with us.
As for Miller’s gift from us, I bought him that cute little suitcase/backpack from Costco. He needed a suitcase for his sleepovers at Grandma’s house. He loves it! He rolls it around the house constantly. Here he is with Grandmama Pat, his new football jersey, and his new suitcase…..
I have been so blessed to have Miller as my little boy. He is so sweet and funny. He rarely gets in trouble and when he does it is hard to be mad at him. He has started to torment Wilson a little bit, but he has also started playing with him as well. It is fun to see the two boys playing and becoming friends. Miller is also reaching the age when he switches from being a Mommy’s boy to now being a Daddy’s boy. This is always a bitter-sweet time for me. I finally get a reprieve and can use both of my hands to do things, but it is also a sad time because he doesn’t want to be with me as much as he used to. I know that my baby is growing up and will need me less and less as time goes by. This is a fact of life, but one that I don’t look forward to happening. I know that I have talked about this numerous times, but it still doesn’t make it any easier. My babies are all growing up and having three birthdays within six weeks may be more than one Mommy can handle! I love my little Miller and am so proud of who he is: sweet, funny, smart, silly, and increasingly independent. Happy Birthday Miller!!