Super Thursday

I have a tendency to over-book myself and my calendar.  Some days I have only one thing to do, while other days have items overlapping.  Not all the things are my calendar are work, but having too many fun things on my calendar can be exhausting as well. Thursday was one of those busy, but good, days.

I started out the day by visiting my good friend, Dr. Smith, the plastic surgeon. It wasn’t for anything major, it was to discuss a scar that I have had for almost thirty years.   It is a small scar, but in a terrible location….right in between my eyes.  I got it in seventh grade while playing on my friend, Rhonda’s, piano.  I could never really see the scar until this past year.  It started to be visible in every picture that I took.  I hated it.  I went to see if Dr. Smith could make it disappear…he did.  He is the nicest doctor I have ever been to see.  He said, “You know, I think I have some extra filler back there that we can use.  I will just plump it up a bit and you won’t be able to see it anymore.”  Yep, thats right…free filler!!  It puffed up the skin so that the scar no longer cast a shadow and it literally looked like it disappeared.  Brilliant!!  I don’t have any plans to be a plastic surgery junky, but it is nice to be able to get rid of the things that really bother me every once in a while. A nice birthday gift!

After my very successful trip to the doctor, Miller and I went to my friend Julia’s house for a playdate.  Her son, Hudson, is a few months older than Miller and they play very well together.  We were there about two hours, when I realized that I needed to go home and have some down time before I went to get Wilson and then go to another playdate at 2:00pm.  A twenty minute power nap does wonders for my sanity and physical well-being.  I am an extravert for about 2-3 hours and then I run out of extraverted-ness.  It is like I use it up all at once and then there is nothing left. If I didn’t leave right then to get a bit of quiet time then I would not be able to complete the busy day ahead. It was nice to go home and cuddle up on the couch with Miller for a little while.

Our second playdate was with my friend, Sarah, down the street. Wilson loves to play with her rough-and-tumble boys.  They also have an amazing backyard to run around in.

We left there and went to Parent Observation Week at Faith’s gymnastics.   She did amazing.  The bar is her best event.  Faith could flip over a bar better than anyone in her class.  She loves the monkey bars at school and it has paid off.  We got a close up view of her doing the bar, the balance beam and the floor.  She loves gymnastics and I am glad that I signed her up at such a great place.  She attends ISC in Matthews off of Monroe Road.  It is actually very popular with many families from her school and some of our friends.  At the end of the class, Faith received a trophy for completing the class through the end of the year.  After trophies, her teacher came up to me and said that Faith may be ready to test again and then move up to another class.  My response to this was, “Really?”.  I feel very guilty for sounding so doubtful about this major accomplishment, but I had no idea that she would move up levels so quickly.  I guess they see her progression more clearly than I do. I am very proud of what she has been able to learn and how committed she is to it. Here are some pictures…




Believe it or not, but the day is STILL NOT OVER! Tom had his employee Christmas party that night. My wonderful parents let the kids sleep over so that we could go out for the night. :). We went to VBGB for dinner and drinks. VGBG is a beer garden near uptown Charlotte that has a big heated patio with ping pong tables and other games. I was a bit grumpy on the way there which resulted in Tom telling me, “I need ‘Fun Becca’ to come out so that we can have a good time tonight”. I took that to heart, and ‘Fun Becca’ made a smashing appearance. :) We talked and hung out with three other couples. One of the other wives and I really hit it off. I love it when I can go out, have a few drinks, relax AND meet people that I really enjoy spending time with. We had a fun time at the party and I can actually look forward to more business events.

I know that I told you a lot of unless information in this post, but part of me wants to remember how busy life is with three kids, a husband, and an overly social me. I enjoy meeting new people and doing things with friends. I couldn’t have a day as busy as this one all of the time, but once in a while it is fun. I stayed out of the house all day long, cleaned absolutely nothing, spent time with the kids, watched Faith show her stuff, eat a delicious/free meal, and have some fun with my husband. What could be better?!?

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