I has been almost an entire month since I have written anything in this blog. My absence of writing isn’t because I have nothing to write about. In fact, it is just the opposite. There has been so much going on that I haven’t had the time nor the energy to sit down and write for an entire month. Yes, we have had family outings, meeting and events that were noteworthy, but by the end of each day all I could do was fall asleep at 8:30pm with the kids or sit on the couch and watch TV. There was no mental energy left for writing.
What was a I doing that was so exhausting?, you ask. By the time we left for our family beach trip this past Saturday, we wanted to have on the our house on the market. (I wanted to have one full week of a clean house with no one there to mess it up.) Over the past few months we have been slowly decluttering the house and fixing the long list of things that needed some attention. This was productive, but once we decided to get it all done by the time we left for the beach it was like a fire had been lit under our bottoms and the race to finish was on. I spent most of my days emptying out the kids’ room of unnecessary toys and clothes, putting things into bins, and moving the bins out into the shed. We also decided to paint the outside of the house because it desperately needed it. We hired a painter, fired that painter, and then had to finish the job by ourselves. The closets are cleaned out, the toys are put away, cabinets are spot free, and I can actually see the counters in the kitchen. It looks the best that it has looked in eight years. It was a lot of work, but I have to say that the house looks fabulous! It almost makes me want to not move…almost. However, despite our love for this clean house, we feel that the Lord has told us to put our house up for sale, and wait.
I have no idea what the future will hold for our family. I envision us selling our home quickly and moving to a perfect house on a perfect plot of land for the perfect price. I am sure that I am overly optimistic, but I know that God has the perfect house picked out for our family and He has the perfect buyers chosen for our current house. I just have to trust and wait.