School is Out!

My preschool ended right before we went to the beach and Faith’s school was over this past Friday.  It was a busy last week but I couldn’t wait to be done – done with lunches, done with homework and done with getting up early and rushing around the house.  Done!!  Phew!

Faith’s last week of school was easy for her, but for me it was filled with a consignment sale and an end of year party that I had volunteered to help organize.  I felt like I was rushing from one place to another all week.  It was busy, but it was also exciting because it meant that the school year was drawing to a close and summer vacation was around the corner.  I love summer vacation:  no where to be be, sleeping in, and fun filled days with the kids. (Although I am a bit anxious as to what we will do to fill our days).

We were able to celebrate Faith’s last day at CDS with a class pizza party and awards ceremony.  The first few awards went to children who read many, many books (not us), got a perfect score on every spelling test (not us), and even arrived to school on time every day for the entire school year (not us).   The funniest part was when Mrs. Elliott announced that four students would get an award for being on time every day – Faith turned around to her friends and said repeatedly while laughing, “Not me! Not me!”.  So true, Honey.  We pulled up to the school each morning and were excited when we saw that there were still teachers out on the curb helping students out of their cars….this meant that we weren’t late.  Minutes count at 8:15am.   After those awards, each child received a certificate of graduation from the first grade along with a character trait that described them and a Bible verse to go along with it.  Faith’s trait was “gentleness”.  Mrs. Elliott explained that many people think that ‘gentle’ means ‘shy’, but it doesn’t.  It means that a person is kind in word and action, and that it is a “fruit of the Spirit”. Faith’s friends described her as being funny, including everyone, and having faith in God.  Such a sweet, sweet class.

Here is Kelsey Nelson, Jane Neil, Mrs. Elliott, Faith and Maizy Jones.

Faith and her buddy, Jane.  I am going to miss Jane and her mom, Dorie.  I know that they will miss us too.  Hopefully we will continue to be friends even though we will not be at CDS next year.    

I am proud of the progress that Faith made in first grade.  She is reading well and does amazing in math class.  She has made so many friends and has earned the respect of them all by being kind and gentle to her classmates.  Faith truly does have a sweet spirit.

Now it is time to move on to Metrolina and second grade!!  Good job Faith!

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