Pa visits

Tom’s step dad, Will, came down to visit us this week. This is the first time that he has been to our new house and the first time that he has been here without Tom’s mom, Rebecca.  It was a really great visit. Will is so laid back that he is the perfect guest to include into our busy schedule and our three young children running around the house.

Will arrived on Saturday afternoon and was able to relax with us out on the back deck while the kids swam in the pool. The water is still only 70 degrees but they don’t seem to mind at all. We did the same exact thing on Sunday. I truly love our new house. The backyard lets us feel like we are on vacation and is so enjoyable.

Because Rebecca passed away right before Christmas, the kids were not able to receive the gifts that she and Will bought for them.  We decided that we would wait to give the kids their gifts whenever Pa could make it down for a visit.  This was the trip!  I pulled all of the gifts out of their hiding places in the garage and got them ready. I no longer wrap gifts, I hide them.  I don’t feel like going through all the hassle of wrapping them.  It is too much trouble and too much work.   I have started a new tradition of hiding the gifts instead of wrapping them. It is so much easier for me and even more fun for the kids. Will and I appropriately hid the gifts in each of their rooms and then yelled “go!”.  It was fun to watch them search for their gifts and to be so excited about receiving them. I am glad that we waited so that that Will could be a part of the fun.   The kids received Legos, swords, AG doll cars and clothes, Uno (a new family favorite), and many other fun items.

Wilson and Pa worked together on Wilson’s Lego Star Wars ship.  It was a tough project but Wilson worked hard and was determined to finish it.

The rest of the week went about as usual, sort of. The kids got out of school early one day so that they could play with Pa.  Tom was out of town for a few of the days that Will was here and Will was kind enough to step into toms role a bit. He took out the trash, picked up Faith from gymnastics and watched the boys while I took Faith to dance. He even fixed the light below the microwave for me. Thanks Will! I learned so many things about him that I had never known.  We all look forward to him coming back again soon.

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