As a mother of three young children, Mother’s Day isn’t always so much about me relaxing as it is about helping the kids feel like they are giving me a great Mother’s Day. Thankfully, I planned ahead and dedicated many hours on Saturday to spending time alone and shopping for some Mother’s Day presents for myself (which Tom turns around and gives to me on Sunday). I had my “Becca time” on Saturday and was ready to spend time with the family on Mother’s Day.
The kids surprised me with a Mother’s Day cake on Sunday morning. Being the wonderfully, health conscious mom that I am, I decided that ice cream cake would be great for breakfast. We all sat out on the back deck and ate ice cream cake before church. It was delicious!
After church, I did find some time to sit down, relax and watch the kids swim in the pool. The water has warmed up to a temperature of only 70 degrees, but they continue to get in any way. I for see many, many fun-filled days in our new backyard. We spend more time in our backyard at this house than we ever spent in the last backyard. It feels like we are at the beach every afternoon.
One of the best gifts I received was from Faith. At school she made a ceramic bird that she painted and had glazed. She did an amazing job on it. She also made me a card and filled out this Mother’s Day form.
Some of the answers surprised me and others did not. Yes, she does love my spaghetti, although there is nothing really special about it (other than it is made with love..hahaha). She said that I am good at “taking care of me and my brothers”. I didn’t know that her best memory of us was when I took her to the movies to see Cinderella last year. i guess I need to do that again. We really don’t go many special places together without her brothers. Her most special answer, and the one that made me cry, is – My mom always says, “I love you very much swetey.” I do say this to her ALL of the time. i just did know if she heard me or not. She does.
Our children hear and remember everything that we say to them, whether it is kind or not. I was told recently that a parent should say three positive things for every negative thing or correction that is said. THREE! It is so easy to correct and scold our children, but we need to compliment and encourage them even more. Three times more, to be exact.
I will keep this Mother’s Day gift for the rest of my life (hopefully). I am very thankful that my children love me and tried to give me a fun and relaxing day. Tom did a great job encouraging them to give me some time off. I greatly appreciated feeling of being appreciated.