Swimming Pool Bliss

Summer is officially here!  Not only are the kids out of school, but it is already 95 degrees and very humid.  Thankfully, we have a swimming pool in the back yard.  It is getting more use than I thought it would.  The pool isn’t overly large, but it is big enough for three small children to play in and stay entertained.  Sometimes the kids jump in and out within ten minutes, but most of the time they stay in for an hour playing on the giant Orca whale that Tom bought or kicking around on the boogie boards.

Another nice feature near the pool is the shade that our house provides in the afternoons.  I can sit outside and watch the kids swim without burning up or needing to get into the pool.  It has been great!!  Tom and I have been enjoying sitting outside and watching the kids swim.  The pool has drastically increased our time spent outdoors.  Even when it is 99 degrees outside, we have something to do outside without burning up.  Of course, I have only been in it twice.  The first time it was freezing cold and I jumped out immediately.   I stayed in the second time a bit longer but it was still a bit cold for my taste.  The great thing about kids is that they don’t care how cold it is – it is always worth it to get into a pool.  (This has made me feel a bit old, to be honest.)  I look forward to swimming in it more often after the water temperature increases to 80 degrees.  But for now, I will watch the kids enjoy themselves in their new backyard and summer entertainment.  img_7825.jpg

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