On Saturday afternoon, Faith, my dad, and I made the trek to Raleigh to see an NC State gymnastics competition. There were four teams competing at the same time, so there was a lot to watch. I really enjoyed the time with my dad and my daughter. We had a lot of great discussions in the car and we enjoyed watching the gymnastics…..we also really enjoyed the DQ ice cream on the way home! ;).
It was interesting to go back to my alma mater and do a little bit of walking around. I kind of felt like the adult that returned to her childhood home only to find that the yard is much smaller then she remembered. At State, everything seemed closer together and smaller than I remembered. It was fun to see the buildings and the places that I lived and walked daily over a half a lifetime ago. Visiting campus the other day reminded me of how young I was when I attended college and how exciting college really was. I wish I could go back now, knowing what I know, and do a few things differently. I definitely would have learned more!!
Faith enjoyed being on the college campus and we are definitely raising us some Wolfpack fans!!