Tag Archives: church

Last Day of Work!

I have been working three mornings a week at the Little Church on the Lane Preschool since the beginning of November.  It has been a bit stressful at times, especially when Tom is out of town.  Because the church is towards Uptown I have to give myself thirty minutes to get to work, where as it usually takes me only fifteen minutes on Sunday mornings.  The traffic was definitely a drawback to the job, but now I have come to enjoy my time in the car, listening to the radio or just sitting quietly after the chaos of the morning.  It was an adjustment, especially since having the other two start school this year, but I have grown to really enjoy my job.  I am looking forward to going back again next year.

When I first started the job, I thought that I would just be teaching two-year-olds and receiving a check for my work.  I didn’t even consider a major benefit of the job:  working and talking with other women.  I get to talk and laugh with other women three mornings a week!  I love it!  This job has been such a blessing to me.  Not only do I make money, but I get to have fun at the same time.  The kids are fantastic and I enjoyed teaching each and every one of them.  I also had the pleasure of working with Yolanda Chisholm every day.  We had so much fun together!  I feel so blessed to have been partnered up with her.  We like each other so much that we are going to do it again next year.   I had a hard time saying “Good-bye” to her yesterday.  I know that we will see each other over the summer, but it won’t be the same as spending every other morning together.

Here we are in our brightly colored, yellow room….



All that being said, yes, I am ready to be done teaching for the summer.  Mostly, I am just tired of having to get up in the morning and have to be somewhere by a certain time.  I am tired of packing lunches and trying to get everyone (and myself) ready by 7:45am each morning.  It will be so nice to wake up, drink a cup of coffee, and have my peanut butter and honey toast at the table instead of in the car or while standing up at the counter.  Now that both kids are in school and I am working three days a week, I can understand and appreciate the need for summer vacation.  It is a time to play together as a family and slow life down a bit.  I am looking forward to going to the gym again, which I haven’t done that in many, many months.  I actually went today for the first time since I started the job in November.

Little Church is so good to me.  I get to worship there on Sundays with my church family and now I have another family there during the week.  I am a very lucky/blessed girl!

Dad’s Retirement Sunday

After nineteen years at The Little Church on the Lane my father is finally retired. Yesterday he had his last Sunday as head pastor. It was a wonderful, touching and emotional service.

The day began when Raymond Williams sang a song for him during breakfast at the church. He is quite the musician.

After Sunday school all of my dad’s family began to arrive at the church. He had saved five rows for all of us and they were filled. His four brothers and sisters were there, their families and his mother. The Wilson family is quite large and they are great about celebrating and supporting each other.

During the service the Board gave my dad a card with a monetary gift in it. Then the congregation gave him a long standing ovation. It brought tears to my eyes to see him recognized in such a way. It showed how loved and appreciated he is by his church family.

Dad then gave a great sermon about Jesus. He knew that there were family members who did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God and that He loved them.  Dad wanted to make sure that they were told one last time.

People keep asking me what my favorite part of the day was and I keep telling them two things: the standing ovation and communion.  Communion was done up front this time and it was a great way of my dad serving each person one more time.  He got to individually serve each person.  It was very emotional at times.  I cried just watching some of them come up front, especially Stephanie Nance.  There was a lot of crying and laughing done throughout the day Sunday.

After church we ate. Moravians love to eat!  There was a huge fried chicken dinner downstairs after church.  Everyone was there and a few people gave speeches:  Tom Shelton, Aunt Lisa, Doug, Raymond, and others.  After lunch the Wilson clan drove over to my parents house to socialize for the afternoon.  We talked and laughed all afternoon until it was getting dark.  I was exhausted.  I had spent so much emotional and social energy that I fell asleep at 8:30pm that night.  It was a very memorable day.  I am very proud of my father for the work that he has done and the commitment that he gave to Little Church.   He will be missed, I have no doubt.