Happy Easter!
Easter is always a fun holiday filled with egg hunts and sunrise services. This year the kids had two egg hunts – one in the neighborhood and one at church. Egg hunts are fun for the kids but I hate that the eggs are filled with candy. You know that I am a health nut and to give my kids twenty pieces of candy on two occasions is almost too much for me to bear. After the first egg hunt I let them eat a bunch of it and then told them that I would take then to the dollar store if they gave me the rest of their candy. Of course, I took a bunch of it when they weren’t looking – just in case they didn’t want to give it up. For the second egg hunt, which was at the church, I let them eat a good ten pieces before I offered to buy them ice cream if they gave up the rest of their candy. They did it. I know it sounds silly to give ice cream in lieu of candy, but let me explain. I can give them ice cream and then be done with it – no more begging for candy and no more arguing with them about whether or not they can eat five pieces right before dinner. Done! Here they are at the church going through their loot.
Another Easter tradition that we started a few years ago was giving the kids a gift instead of an Easter basket. Easter baskets are filled with candy (which we obviously don’t need) but a gift is something fun and possibly needed. I usually surprise the kids with a gift but today we went to Walmart and I let them pick out what they wanted. Miller got a pretend chainsaw, Wilson got some ninja swords and Faith picked out a white dog that barks and walks when you push the remote. Here they are carrying their goods…
And here they are playing with said goods while I danced during my cardio funk class that was outside at the Prominade. I couldn’t have planned it better.
Tomorrow we will be getting up early to go to the sunrise service. We will be celebrating Jesus’ rising from the dead and the sacrifice that He made for us on the cross. Without Easter, Christmas would be meaningless and Jesus would just be a normal man. But we do have Easter, we do know that Jesus is God’s Son, and we do have new life because of what Jesus did for us. I thank God every day for His Son and the love that He has for us, and the love that we have for Him.
Happy Easter!