There are things that I care about as a mom and things that I don’t care about. My two list are very distinct and rarely over lap. The things that I care about are typical: the kids should obey me, they should do their homework, they should be kind and loving to one another, etc.
The things I don’t think are so important are as such:
They can sleep with boxing gloves on…
They can sleep in chairs….
They can dress each other up….
They can run around outside shirtless and barefoot even when it is fifty degrees outside. In this case, it was with no pants….
They can wear pretty much anything they want (except to church). Miller wore his bathing suit over his pants last week…..
My mom read an article that said that kids that wear no shoes are happier because they can feel the ground under their feet. My kids must be extraordinarily happy, especially Miller. He never wears shoes.
I would love to be a kid again! It would feel so good to wear whatever I wanted without consequence, to dress up, sleep where it was the most fun, and go barefoot most of the time. That is the fun of being a kid and that is how we roll in the Dressler household.