A few weeks ago we were invited to Kristee and Josh’s house warming party at their new place in the Steele Creek area of south Charlotte. I was not able to go to the party because Tom had the flu and Miller had pink eye at the time. We decided that the best way to see their new house was to drive out there for dinner one night. Kristee and I have been friends for over ten years. She read at my wedding and then Tom and I went to her wedding last summer. Kristee and Josh are a fun couple and I was excited to go have dinner at her new house. Their house was beautiful and just like any newly wed couple, they had more house than furniture. The running joke of the night was that we stood up to eat in the kitchen and the fire alarms were ringing off and on when we first arrived simply due to the heat of the oven.
They were gracious hosts – we ate a delicious shrimp dinner, drank good wine, and talked about life and family. Because they are newly weds and Tom and I have been married for nine years, Josh had some really good questions for us about marriage – what keeps the marriage fun? what allows us to be happily married and not just business partners? Our top five pieces of advice to them was: date nights, counseling, remember your vows, be humble, and keep God first. Marriage is not easy, but if you continue to work at it then it will be enjoyable and lasting.
I am thankful for our friendship with Kristee and Josh and I look forward to dining with them again. We took a group selfie before we left with the Michigan gnome….