We have had quite a week. I decided months ago that we were going to have a fun filled stay-cation over spring break. We typically don’t go anywhere for spring break, but that doesn’t mean that we couldn’t still have lots of fun in Charlotte. I planned for us to do something new and different each day of the week.
On Monday, Tom took off from work and we went to one our families favorite places – The Lazy Five Ranch. I scheduled a wagon ride for the morning so that we could feed all of the animals first and play on the playground afterwards. Last year the wagon ride was very exciting, but this year the animals were not really coming up to the wagon like they had done in the past. Unfortunately, Faith is terrified of almost all animals so the wagon ride was a bit traumatic for her this year. I don’t remember her being scared last year, but this year she cried as soon as the first animal came up to the wagon. If we go again, we will feed the sheep and goats behind the fence first so that she will warm up to the animals before we stick her on an open wagon that is swarming with giant cattle, zebras, and emus. By the end of the ride she had grown a bit more comfortable.
After the wagon ride we ate lunch, played on the playground, fed camels, goats and sheep through the fence, and ate ice cream. Here is Faith after the wagon ride feeding a llama. I had to take a pictures because I was so surprised that she was actually doing it….
It was almost time to leave when I had a great idea – if I do say so myself. Since we had already paid for admittance to the park, I realized that we could drive through the park in our car before we left. The car ride through the park ended up being the highlight of our trip! Here we are entering the park – everyone unbuckled and in the front two seats….It didn’t take long before Faith and Miller were in the back seat of the car hiding from a giant animal that was sticking his head through the open car window looking for food. It was hilarious! Wilson drove most of the way through the park while sitting on Tom’s lap. I think Tom got a big wet kiss from this guy…..
Our trip to Lazy Five will be talked about for the next year!
As for the rest of the week, on Wednesday we went to Monkey Joe’s with Faith’s friend, Jane, and her siblings. I ended up bringing one of the neighborhood boys with us as well. The more the merrier! Here are all the kids eating ice cream after we left Monkey Joe’s. Note to self: do not go to Monkey Joe’s on half-price Wednesday during Spring Break. On Thursday we went to Ray’s Splash Planet with my friend, Erin, and her two kids. Of course, it was crowded also, but the kids didn’t seem to notice or to mind. They swam for a few hours and then we headed outside for a picnic. The picnic was my favorite part, mainly because it was quiet.
On Friday, I literally filled up my minivan with children and took them to ISC (where Faith takes gymnastics) to the open gym that they were having that morning. This was the first thing that we did that wasn’t crowded. I will go to open gym twice next year. It is only $15 per kid and they get to play for three hours on all of the gymnastics equipment. I was going to take only one extra kid with me, but when I showed up at Ronnie’s house to pick him up there was another neighborhood boy there. I decided to invite him as well. We found his dad, got some money, and threw him into the car with everyone else.
Spring Break was a success! I loved having the kids at home with me. I loved not having to get up in the morning and go to work. I loved being able to have some fun and spend time with our family. After this week of freedom, I am REALLY looking forward to summer break. Only six more weeks until we get to do these things all of the time! I am counting down the days….