Tag Archives: lisa

Aunt Lisa’s Surprise Party

My Aunt Lisa is turning fifty this month (although you would never guess that she was over 40). She has been telling everyone that she knows that she did not want a party. All of the parties that she has been going to lately consist of a party and then an hour of toasts to the birthday girl that result in heartfelt tears. Lisa didn’t want to cry nor have everyone say all these wonderful things about her at her party. My Uncle Brian’s response to her not wanting a party was, “Well, if she didn’t want a party then she married the wrong guy”. He threw her a surprise party anyway.

She was lured to my parents house on false pretenses only to be surprised by fifty of her closest friends and relatives. She was truly surprised! As per her request, there were no sappy speeches that made her cry…only lots of food, cake and laughter. Although she did wear a tacky pink hat that said, “Old Loser”. It was a trade off that she was willing to make.

Here are a few pictures of Lisa with her family. We laughed that she must be getting old if she is getting pictures taken with little people as if she were the matriarch of the family.


