Tag Archives: love

I love you…

I can remember the first time that I told my mom that I loved her.  I was in elementary school.  It was bedtime and my mom was putting me to bed in the back bedroom at the parsonage where we lived in Boca Raton, FL.  She left the room and said “I love you.”  I remember nervously saying back, “I love you too.”  It must have surprised my mom because she said, “What?”.  I instantly became shy and said, “Nevermind.”  (Believe it or not, I was a bit shy when I was younger.) I am not sure how long it took me to say “I love you” again, but eventually it did become something that was said with more ease.

Now fast forward thirty five years – I have my own children whom I tell “I love you” all the time, everyday, and usually at random times throughout the day.  Miller has especially picked up this habit of saying “I love you.”  Most of the time I think he says it simply because he doesn’t know what else to say.  We will be driving in the car and he will say,


“Yes, Miller”, I reply. 

“I wuv you.”

“I love you, too.”

Even if he does say it just to fill the silence, I still want him to say it. 

Kids really do mimic what they see and hear from us adults.  Sometimes Miller will come up to me, put his arm around my shoulder, press our cheeks together and say in his calmest and sweetest voice, “I wuv you so much.”  I LOVE it when he does that because his cheeks are so soft and squishy that they feel good against my face and he is doing exactly what I do to him everyday.  

Miller isn’t the only one to do something so sweet.  Sometimes Wilson will come up to me, kiss my cheek, put his head on my shoulder and sincerely say, “Mommy, I love you”.  Wilson truly is the sensitive teddy bear of the bunch.  He will cry if he misses me during the day or if we talk about moving.  One time he started to cry because we were talking about how he would get married and move out someday. It is very sweet.

The kids are young and impressionable right now. I hope that the habits we are forming will continue to last throughout their lives and mine.  “I love you” is something that I will always say to them and I hope that they will continue to do the same. 


Love Letters

Believe it or not, this post is not about me….it is about Faith.  Yes, Faith!  She has a boyfriend already and they are passing love letters back and forth.  I guess now that they can both read and write these letters are possible.  A few months ago she told me about a boy named Stephen that is in her kindergarten class.  She said, “Stephen is my boyfriend.”  I asked if he called her his girlfriend.  She said, “Yes, me and Anna Carmen.”  Many months have passed and she continues to call Stephen her boyfriend.  I think Anna Carmen, her BFF, is not a part of the couple anymore. I try not to make a big deal about it for two reasons: 1- they are only in kindergarten  2-I don’t want her to be embarrassed and to stop telling me these things.  I just act supportive.

Here are two letters that were passed between Faith and Stephen. The first one came from him. A total boy card made from the heart.  He drew trucks and a picture of the two of them together.  Seriously….so cute!





Here is the card from her.  Equally cute.  I love the self confidence that Faith has.  She isn’t shy to say how she feels and who she likes.  I wish we could all be as confident and un-afraid as children.





She asked me if she could marry Stephen.  I said “sure!”  He comes from a good family and has an easy last name – Donaldson.  I approve!