The new Cinderella movie came out this weekend and we were invited to go watch it with Sidney and Jesse. I had not been to a theater in many, many years. I honestly could not tell you the last movie that I saw outside of my living room. I had definitely never been to a theater with seats as comfortable as the ones at Crown Point, which was just recently renovated. It has electric, leather-like recliners and swivel tables. It was awesome!! I could relax, prop my feet up and enjoy a movie – just like at home, but better. Here are the seats…..
The best part was that I got to go do something special with Faith and our friends. Faith and I don’t always get a lot of girl time together. I almost cried walking into the theater with her because it was something fun and special that we could do together without the boys. (I tend to get sentimental when I do something new and exciting with the kids. It is like I get to see it through their eyes.)
The cutest part of the day was when we got dressed to go to the movie. Faith got dressed and then picked out my outfit so that we matched. We both had on 3/4 length sleeves, black leggings and Uggs. It was a real compliment that she wanted to dress like me. (I know that won’t last too much longer.)
Overall, the movie was wonderful. The underlying theme was more about love, kindness, and good parenting – more so than just about a girl and a prince. Good things happened to her because she was kind to others, and not just because she was beautiful. Faith and I really enjoyed ourselves this afternoon. I need to remember to take the time to do more new and exciting things with her….she is my little girl.