Tag Archives: pa

Pa visits

Tom’s step dad, Will, came down to visit us this week. This is the first time that he has been to our new house and the first time that he has been here without Tom’s mom, Rebecca.  It was a really great visit. Will is so laid back that he is the perfect guest to include into our busy schedule and our three young children running around the house.

Will arrived on Saturday afternoon and was able to relax with us out on the back deck while the kids swam in the pool. The water is still only 70 degrees but they don’t seem to mind at all. We did the same exact thing on Sunday. I truly love our new house. The backyard lets us feel like we are on vacation and is so enjoyable.

Because Rebecca passed away right before Christmas, the kids were not able to receive the gifts that she and Will bought for them.  We decided that we would wait to give the kids their gifts whenever Pa could make it down for a visit.  This was the trip!  I pulled all of the gifts out of their hiding places in the garage and got them ready. I no longer wrap gifts, I hide them.  I don’t feel like going through all the hassle of wrapping them.  It is too much trouble and too much work.   I have started a new tradition of hiding the gifts instead of wrapping them. It is so much easier for me and even more fun for the kids. Will and I appropriately hid the gifts in each of their rooms and then yelled “go!”.  It was fun to watch them search for their gifts and to be so excited about receiving them. I am glad that we waited so that that Will could be a part of the fun.   The kids received Legos, swords, AG doll cars and clothes, Uno (a new family favorite), and many other fun items.

Wilson and Pa worked together on Wilson’s Lego Star Wars ship.  It was a tough project but Wilson worked hard and was determined to finish it.

The rest of the week went about as usual, sort of. The kids got out of school early one day so that they could play with Pa.  Tom was out of town for a few of the days that Will was here and Will was kind enough to step into toms role a bit. He took out the trash, picked up Faith from gymnastics and watched the boys while I took Faith to dance. He even fixed the light below the microwave for me. Thanks Will! I learned so many things about him that I had never known.  We all look forward to him coming back again soon.

Visit to PA

Twice a year we make our pilgrimage to Mechanicsburg, PA to visit Tom’s mom and Will. It is usually about a nine hour trip (which can seem much longer with three kids), so this year we decided to stop in Roanoke on the way up. It is only three hours north of Charlotte but every little bit helps. Because tom has been traveling so much, he has accumulated enough points for us to stay for free at the Sheraton in both Roanoke and in Harrisburg. The kids love staying at the hotel because it is exciting and has a pool. They have been swimming twice a day for the last three days st the hotels…perfect for wearing them out. Staying at the hotel also gives Tom’s family a break from the chaos that is our family. We visited with them each morning, went to the pool for a few hours after lunch and then went back to their house for the afternoon. It was a great schedule for everyone.

We had a great visit with Rebecca and Will (aka MawMa and Pa). The weather was absolutely perfect for sitting outside all day. The kids played in the sandbox or ran around in the backyard while the adults talked. Faith and MawMa definitely enjoyed each other’s company. They did puzzles, knitted, and rode around the neighborhood on MawMas wheelchair together. Here they are doing puzzles…


The hands down, favorite group activity was playing the Little Bear game. Each person had a card and tried to cover all nine spaces with the cards drawn. The best part was that every player shared the cards that were drawn that the drawer didn’t need. It was a group effort. After a few rounds it became a team effort, with MawMa, faith and Wilson on one team. It was cute to see them bonding and working together. We probably played the game at least four times in two days.


We had a very nice and relaxing visit with Toms family. We only see them a few times a year but the kids know that Grandparents love their grand kids and they warm up quickly to their MawMa and Pa. All of them wanted to help Pa set up for dinner each night as well. I am glad that we have these trips each year so that the kids can build memories with their grandparents.

Christmas in PA

We had Christmas #2 on Saturday morning at Rebecca and Will’s house. Both of Tom’s sisters were there with their boyfriends and children. Otis always fun. The kids get lots of fun presents. I think the big hit (literally) this year was the hulk hands that Wilson received. He sparred many times all afternoon. He was pretty self controlled, all things considered.

After the presents were all opened we played, rested and snacked until dinner. My favorite snack each year is the giant pot of Chex mix that Rebecca makes. Yum! Everyone just scoops a bowl of it as desired.

It was a fun and relaxing day. We only get to see Toms family a few times a year so it was nice to see everyone together.


Christmas in PA

We had Christmas #2 on Saturday morning at Rebecca and Will’s house. Both of Tom’s sisters were there with their boyfriends and children. Otis always fun. The kids get lots of fun presents. I think the big hit (literally) this year was the hulk hands that Wilson received. He sparred many times all afternoon. He was pretty self controlled, all things considered.

After the presents were all opened we played, rested and snacked until dinner. My favorite snack each year is the giant pot of Chex mix that Rebecca makes. Yum! Everyone just scoops a bowl of it as desired.

It was a fun and relaxing day. We only get to see Toms family a few times a year so it was nice to see everyone together.


First day of travel

Today we drove up to Pennsylvania to see Tom’s family. We had packeted the night before so all we had to do was get three kids in the car with their blankets and shoes. (I think we forgot Miller’s shoes).
About two hours into the trip I decided that it was time to take a nap. I might have had my eyed closed for two minutes when I jolted up because tom was slamming on the brakes. He tried to stop, luckily the car in front of us slid to the side and we stopped without hitting it. However, the guy behind us wasn’t so lucky. He slammed into the back of us. We were a part of a multi car pile up on the highway. Thankfully none of us were hurt and our car was still drivable. It also delayed our trip by two hours. The kids did great and sat in the car for two hours while we waited for the police report. Then we were finally on our way.

So eleven hours, one accident, one lunch stop, three bathroom breaks, and many coffees later- we made it to Harrisburg, PA.

The hotel we are staying in is awesome! Tom had racked up enough points at the Sheraton for us to stay for free for four nights and to be upgraded to the suite. The kids were psyched to have a hotel room with a couch and a pool. Believe it or not but they had never seen a sofa bed before! Can you believe that? It is the little things in life.



At MawMa’s and Pa’s in PA

We are in Mechanicsburg, PA visiting Toms family. We arrived Thursday afternoon after stopping in Roanoke for the night….five hours in the car is about all we can take.

There was snow on the ground north of Virginia. The kids kept begging to stop so that they could do snow angels, but the snow was more ice than snow. It is supposed to snow again Saturday and I really hope it does.

The kids are having fun playing with their grandparents, two aunts and Cousin Alexis. Faith rarely leaves Alexis’ side when she is around. Here they are making fun faces together.


MawMa taught Faith how to knit today. Very cute.

In order to wear them out we took them to Monkey Joes to play and jump. Better to jump there than on the furniture at home. :).