I have been going to see the jam band Widespread Panic for about 20 years. The first time I saw them was in college. I really got into them while I lived in Colorado. Seeing any band at Red Rocks each summer is memorable and an incredible time! Over the years I have ebbed and flowed with my dedication and excitement toward the band. Last New Year’s Even we went to see them and it was ok. I had a six week old baby at home and I was like a wild animal being let out of a cage…..needless to say, I went a little nuts right out of the gate and barely made it to 1:00am.
This year, I decided that I didn’t want to go see Panic again….until Dawn bought tickets and said she was flying into town. I met Dawn in Frisco, CO back in 1998. She and I had many mutual friends and saw each other at Panic shows. She had an extra ticket, but I wasn’t planning to go with her until the very last minute. Literally, I was getting dressed to go pre-party with her when I said that I would actually go to the show.
Best decision ever! I had so much fun! Dawn and I laughed an ran around Bobcat Arena while dancing to our favorite band. We went to our seats only to discover that a really annoying guy was sitting next to Dawn. He talked the whole time! We decided to wander and find other places to dance. We found many places to dance and hang for a while.We went back to our seats when we wanted to sit down for a little while or get our coats. That was about it.
Funny story: About half way through the show, Dawn realized that she had lost her scarf. I assumed it was in the bathroom and told her not to worry about it. It would turn up. At shows like this I have found that by the end of the night you either find your scarf in a bathroom stall or you see some girl walking around with it on and she gladly gives it back when asked. Well, as luck would have it, towards the end of the show we were dancing behind some guys in the back row when he turns to us and says, “Hey! We found this scarf earlier tonight!” Yup! It was our scarf! They found it next to their seats on the stairs and we were in their section. One of the guys had been wearing it! LOL! How crazy is that? Dawn picked it up, put it on, and never missed a beat! I love Panic people.
I had one of the best times in a while. Tom said that “Fun Becca made an appearance”. So true. I used to be “Fun Becca’ all of the time…..before kids. Being a mom is hard work and very tiring. I like being “Fun Becca” and it was nice to be her again for one night. Panic even played my favorite song that I haven’t heard in ten years. It is an old Tom Wait song called, “Going out West”. Love it!! It was the cherry on top for the night!
Happy New Year!

We had to laugh that we went outside to “get some fresh air”. Not! We were in the smoking section. haha…