Toms dad, Tom Jr, visits us a few times each year. This time he came to us because he was recuperating from an illness and needed to relax and rest. In hind sight, I find this a bit ironic since we have the craziest household with three children running around in it. I do believe that he did have that chance to rest while at the same time visiting with us and the kids. He has gotten a lot of quality time with faith and wilson. Wilson went to Walmart with Grandpa one morning for over two hours. They came out of the store riding on one of those motorized scooters that the kids are always wanting to ride…..and with a dozen doughnuts. Faith ran errands with him another day just so she could be with him.
On Wednesday we all went out to dinner at a Japanese buffet restaurant. It was amazingly large. It probably had twelve buffet tables with food on it. The kids loved the goldfish in the indoor pond and got to try crab legs for the first time (although the preferred the fries and chicken skewers). Here we are at dinner…..
As usual, I had some chores that needed to be done around the house that Tom Jr. always offers to help me with when he visits. This time the major job to be completed was to install the new microwave above the stove. It had been sitting untouched for over six weeks and it was time to get that baby running. Tom Jr. worked on it intermittently for a few days and then yesterday he and I worked together to drill the holes and get it up. We laughed so hard while doing it. We drilled the holes wrong twice before getting it right. We also had a stool, four books, a giant pot and a level holding up the microwave while we worked. Here he is with our contraption while drilling a set of holes.
Tom’s dad, AKA Grandpa, will be with us until Sunday after church. So far we have had an entertaining and pleasant visit with him while he has also had time to himself to relax. I know that the kids have really enjoyed it as well.