Tag Archives: weekend

Weekend Away

Last month I told Tom that I needed a weekend away from cooking, cleaning, remodeling and being a mother. His response was, “Good. Go.” (He is a man of very few words sometimes.). I then thought to myself – where in the world am I going to go?  Thankfully, my sweet Uncle Doug has a condo on Lake Norman, about forty minutes away, that he said I could use. I had originally planned to go next weekend, but Tom decided to run in a ten mile race next Saturday so I moved up my getaway weekend to this weekend – Valentines weekend. A few friends thought that it was very strange that I would go away on Valentines weekend, but anyone that knows me knows I am not much of a romantic. I actually do not like Valentine’s Day. To me, it is a holiday that forces everyone be romantic one day of the year. I would much rather be romantic on a random Tuesday then on a day when everyone is being romantic because they feel that they have to be. So, being the rebel that I am, I went away for the weekend to rest and to be alone. Of course when Faith found out that I was going away on Valentines weekend she cried and said that we needed to be together.  That feeling must have passed because they didn’t come up and see me as planned.  I love my children and husband, but I really just wanted the whole weekend to myself.  I have books to read, a Bible study to do, and just general laying around on my list.

Last night I met my long time friend, Patty, out for dinner.  She lives only a few exits away from the condo where I am in Davidson, NC.  Davidson is a cute town that I have never been to before now.  We met at Brick House for dinner and drinks.  Of course, dinner with Patty is always a 2-3 hour affair because she and I have so much to catch up on.  I loved the dinner and I have been eating the leftovers all day which fits in perfectly with my “no cooking” rule.

Tom texted me late Friday night to say that all was well and that the kids were all sleeping with him in our bed because they missed me.  Very sweet.  I am sure that they are having a blast eating pizza, watching movies and drinking milk all weekend.  :)

I woke up this morning at 9:00am (which is very late).  I never get to sleep in that long.  I woke up, leisurely at breakfast, drank my chai tea and read my new book.  My friend, Erin, texted me around 10:00 to ask if I was bored yet. LOL!  I did get bored by about noon so I set off to find a coffee shop so that I could do my Bible study and get out of the condo.  By the time I left the coffee shop my bottom hurt from sitting down so much.  I rarely ever sit down so I am sure my body was beginning think -WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HERE?!?!  A nice walk around the lake cured that ailment and now I am back to sitting, reading and relaxing for the rest of the evening.  Anyone jealous yet? :)

My husband is a very kind man for letting me escape reality for 48 hours.  Every six months or so I need a few days to remember who I am and what is important to me.  During this time I have thanked God many times for my family and all of the blessings that we have in this life.  The lake is beautiful to admire and I will look forward to returning home to Tom, the kids and the chaos that is my life tomorrow afternoon.  For now , I will bask in the quiet and stillness of my little vacation nest.


Warm weekend

Believe it or not, it was 70 degrees this weekend. It was beautiful. The sky was clear and we were able to spend most of the weekend outside. It was so warm Saturday that the kids insisted on playing in the hose in the yard. The water was cold but they didn’t seem to mind.


We also took the kids to the Children’s Workshop at Lowes that morning.  Even Miller was able to hammer in the nails in order to make a game. The project we simple enough, with adult supervision. Lowes gave each kid a work apron and goggles to bring home along with the completed project and an iron-on badge.  It was fun, educational, and free!



After church on Sunday we all headed over to Maddie’s soccer game. We brought a picnic lunch for us to eat and a blanket to sit on.  I haven’t done that in ages. The kids could play on the playground (supervised by their older cousins) or run around on the field. This is when I really appreciate having all of my family in town. By the end of the game the whole gang was there: Lisa, Brian and their kids, us, my dad, and Doug and his kids. It is so wonderful to have everyone together, laughing and supporting each other. Lots of love.


Week with my boys

On Sunday Tom and faith drove up to Pennsylvania to see his mom. Rebecca, his mom, has been diagnosed with cancer. She is at home and being cared for by her husband and and daughter. It is a lot for anyone to handle the “Dressler invasion”, but even more so now for Rebecca, Will and Shelly. We thought this would be great time for Tom, faith and Rebecca to get some quality time together. They had a great time. I asked Faith, “How was MaMaw’s?” She replied,”Awesome!” They obviously had fun. Faith got to go to Chocolate World in Hershey and make her own candy bar. All I know is that there was marshmallow in it.


While Tom and faith were off having fun, I was at home having fun with wilson and miller. Let me state that I love faith and life would be miserable without her, but wow! I am amazed how much easier two kids are than three. I discovered out why this is so: two kids will do the same activity without problem, but with three, one always wants to do something else. Two want to play outside, one wants to go inside. Two want to eat, one wants to draw. Three is much more difficult to juggle. I always say that I could go to the moon with one kid!

Needless to say, the boys and i had fun. We played games, we looked for bugs at the playground, they took a bath instead of going to the pool, and we just hung out.

We went to the pool one afternoon with Doug and his family. It almost rained but thankfully it never thundered.




I also took them to get my car’s oil changed and taught Miller to drink milk out of his cereal bowl.

Faith and Tom came home on Wednesday night. She has been glues to my side ever since. I even slept in her room with her a couple of nights. She wanted to have a slumber party. It was sweet to be missed so much. I missed her as well.