Tag Archives: will


We flew in last Wednesday morning from Atlanta (we missed all of our connecting flights from Denver on Tuesday), drove home from the airport, grabbed a few additional items, picked up the kids from my mom’s house, and began the drive up to Mechanicsburg, PA to see Tom’s family.  It was a bit chaotic trying to get out of town, but it worked out well because we already had bags packed from the week prior and could get out of town earlier than expected.  Now that the kids are older, these nine hour drives are much more enjoyable than they were in years past.

This year’s trip went very well.  We were able to spend a good amount of quality time with Rebecca, Will, Kim and Alexis.  We even got over to Shelly and Vern’s house for ice cream one afternoon.  It rained all day on the 4th but that didn’t stop us from having steak and burgers for lunch…..

We had a great time visiting with family, especially Tom’s mom, Rebecca.  She was diagnosed with cancer two years ago.  We have been very blessed to have her around for two full years and many visits.  She has recently stopped all treatments and now waits to see what the Lord has in store for her and her husband, Will.  It was difficult to say “good-bye” to her this time because the cancer will eventually win, but hopefully not before we can make it back up there for Christmas.  I am very thankful that we were able to see her, talk to her and give her many hugs.  I am praying that we will see her at Christmas or sooner.  She is a wonderful Grandmother to the kids and I know that they enjoy seeing her as well.  She and Faith have a very sweet relationship.   Here they are together testing out Maw-Ma’s cool bed….

As usual, we took one day to drive over to Dutch Wonderland for the day.  If you have never been to Dutch Wonderland and are planning to drive through Lancaster, PA with small children, then you must go!  It is an amusement park geared towards children under the age of ten.  This year Alexis went with us and my brother Doug drove over to meet us with his two boys, Gabriel and shepherd.  It is always nice to have extra adults because the kids tend to want to ride different rides due to their level of bravery and interests.  At first, I took the little boys on the easy rides, Tom took Faith on the roller coasters, and Wilson and Gabriel vacillated between the two.   Towards the end of the day, I went on three rides with Faith, one of which was the Tilt-a-Whirl.  I was so dizzy by the end of the ride that I literally didn’t know if I was going to be able to walk off of the platform without falling over.  I don’t do spinning rides, but Faith was begging me to go with her and I wanted to give her the gift of riding something fun with her mom.  After the Tilt-a -Whirl I rode two roller coasters with her…..yes, I was getting more and more dizzy.  Finally, she asked to ride the carousel, at which point I had to say, “You are riding this one alone.”

One of our favorite events is the diving show.  Here we are dry, before the show…This gathering was especially neat because my kids were with all of their first cousins: Alexis, Gabriel and Shepherd (who had never previously met each other)….

We always enjoy our trips up north.  It is a fun time with extended family and our own little family.  For the drive home we added two more kids to the car – Gabriel and Shepherd rode back to NC with us.  The more the merrier!!

Baptisms for the Cousins

On Sunday morning Faith and I went out to Carowinds to see Maddie, John and Will get baptized. They attend Carmel Baptist church near my house, but on this special Sunday they had the service outside at the palladium at Carowinds. It was wonderful. I loved going to church outside. It seems so much more natural for me to worship out in God’s creation than inside of a church. I wish it was outside every Sunday.

My dad is the oldest of five siblings. His youngest sister is my Aunt Lisa who is only eight years older than I. She has three kids: Maddie (13), John (10) and Will (9). Everyone is typically surprised to hear that I have cousins that are close to being thirty years younger than I am. I guess I am more like an aunt than a cousin to them….but I am still just a cousin and I like it that way. I love them and being a cousin seems to be more casual and has less responsibility involved. :)

“The Cousins” were first in line to be baptized. I was so proud of them. How proud Lisa and Brian must be as well. It was neat that they all decided to do it on the same Sunday. In the Baptist church, a person get baptized after he/she commits herself to the Lord. It is based on many scriptures in the Bible and also found in the Old Testament.

“We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Romans 6:4 (NIV)

“Water Baptism is an act of obedience for the believer. It should be preceded by repentance, which simply means “change.” It is turning from our sin and selfishness to serve the Lord. It means placing our pride, our past and all of our possessions before the Lord. It is giving the control of our lives over to Him.” https://christianity.about.com/od/faqhelpdesk/f/whatisbaptism.htm

I was proud that my young cousins have made such a commitment to the Lord. They are so well grounded, kind, and mature. Great kids!

Here is Will getting into the cold water….



John’s turn…



I didn’t get a picture of Maddie getting baptized, but she did get a picture with Faith afterward…



Will, John and Maddie…



(Back to front)  Brian, Mr. Lee, Lisa, Lou, Maddie, John and Will….



After the service they all went to Carowinds for the day.  Faith wanted to go but we will need to wait a few years before she is tall enough to ride the roller coasters.  I have never even been…